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College Overview

24/07/25 15:16:20  点击:[]

The School of Information Engineering was established in 2006. The school currently offers five undergraduate majors: Communication Engineering, Information Engineering, Educational Technology, Electronic Science and Technology, and Applied Electronic Technology Education, among which Electronic Science and Technology is a first-tier undergraduate recruitment program, and Applied Electronic Technology Education is a characteristic major of Henan Province. The school has a master's degree program in "Electronic Information" and two professional master's fields: Agricultural Engineering and Information Technology, and Modern Educational Technology. The school has built several provincial and municipal platforms, including the Henan Province Engineering Research Center for Crop Big Data Analysis and Agricultural Internet of Things Engineering, the Henan Provincial University Engineering Technology Research Center for "Agricultural Digital Media Creativity and Design", and the Henan Province Strategic Alliance for the Innovation of Intelligent Equipment Technology in Livestock Breeding and Feed Processing Industry.

The school currently has 54 faculty members, including 7 professors, 19 associate professors and senior experimental teachers, and 12 doctors and post-doctoral researchers. Among them, there are national outstanding teachers, top ten counselors in Henan Province, civilized teachers in Henan Province, backbone teachers in the middle and youth of Henan Province, academic and technical leaders of the Henan Provincial Department of Education, and advanced workers in Xinxiang City.

The school adheres to the educational concept of moral cultivation and focuses on the construction of teaching and learning styles, actively creating a good atmosphere for solid professional foundation and comprehensive development of comprehensive quality. The majority of teachers are dedicated to their posts and work hard in the field of education and talent cultivation. Extracurricular groups such as "Intelligent Information Processing", "Embedded Systems", and "Microcontroller Association" have broadened students' professional horizons, strengthened their practical hands-on ability, and greatly improved students' employment and development capabilities. Every year, there are many graduates who enter well-known enterprises such as Tencent, Alibaba, and Baidu. Students adhere to the school motto of " Uphold Virtue and Emphasize Ability, Integrate Knowledge and Action", study diligently, and are brave in practice, forming a good style of study that is diligent, thoughtful, rigorous, and realistic, and have won many awards in various domestic and international competitions.

The school has successively won honors such as the excellent grassroots party organization of Henan Province's colleges and universities, the " Professional Comprehensive Reform Pilot" of Henan Province's colleges and universities, and the professional construction point of the national vocational teacher training base. It is an advanced grassroots party committee of the school, an advanced unit in teaching work, student work, the May Fourth Red Banner Youth League Committee, and an advanced unit inemployment work.

The school always takes talent cultivation as the center and serves the economic development of the local area as its purpose, continuously striving to developits educational characteristics and forming a five-in-one educational model of " Industry, Education, Research, Application, and Employment". At present, the school is seizing the historical opportunity of a new round of development of higher education, continuing to liberate thoughts, insisting on open education, adhering to scientific development, comprehensively promoting the comprehensive reform of education and teaching, and actively building an innovative experimental area for talent cultivation with characteristics.

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